Hungarian Paprika Pork Chops

One of the keys to consistently eating a healthy diet is planning. I make a weekly meal plan, taking into consideration my day off and the kids’ evening activities. I also plan to make extra food at most meals so that we will have leftovers available for busy evenings. This solves the “what are we having for dinner?” nightly crisis. I may deviate from the plan if I find something else my family likes on sale, but it gives me a guideline for the week. For instance, today is my day off, so I had planned to go to Earth Fare and the new seafood market. However, poor Dora came down with a stomach virus in the middle of the night last night, so shopping was off the table for me. This didn’t make me throw in the towel and order pizza. I asked Tom to stop at Publix on his way home and pick up pork chops, fresh veggies and chicken soup. Dora doesn’t care for pork chops, so she didn’t mind that the rest of us ate them while she had canned soup. I placed asparagus and Brussels sprouts in the oven to roast while I prepared the pork. I also heated up the last of the red cabbage. This meal was as quick to prepare as many of the packaged meals on the market, and of course it tasted much better.

Hungarian Paprika Pork Chops

Mix spices in a small bowl. I was excited to try the paprika Mom brought back from her recent trip to Budapest. Rub the spice mixture onto all sides of the pork chops.

Place the pork chops on a pre-heated George Foreman grill.

The pork chops are done in 6 minutes!

Day 18 Journal
Success Score: 7

Kitchen/Pantry Purge #2
Offending Foods Tossed: I really wasn’t offended by any of my food
Compromises with cohabitants: cereal, granola and energy bars, pasta, baking supplies
Hardest part: finding a reason to do this
Best part: not being tempted by the grain products lurking in the pantry
Comments: Honestly, it’s not as if I have a pantry full of cookies and chips. I didn’t even have any crackers for Dora!

Moderate Aerobic Workout
Activity: body weight strength training
Location: home
Duration: 40 minutes
Comments: I couldn’t leave Dora at home alone, so I did strength training rather than an aerobic workout.

Use Your Brain
Daily challenge: balance work, home, a sick child, cooking meals, cleaning up, making it to a doctor’s appointment all after having missed out on deep sleep last night due to cleaning up vomit.
Long-term challenge: learn Italian
Best part: playing mah jongg with Mom and Dora
Most difficult part: utter exhaustion
Comments: I doubt that this is what Mark Sisson had in mind.

Summary Comments
Daily energy levels: 1
Hunger level between meals: 1
Satisfaction with meals: 10
Struggles with Primal efforts: unable to get to stores which carry more of a variety of organic, grass-fed and wild options
Benefits noticed from primal efforts: decreased hunger
Daily highlights: doing strength training for the first time in awhile
Daily needs-to-improve: Getting back into the habit of exercising.

By the way, while I wrote this I was making homemade yogurt. 🙂