Time to Say Goodbye

Well my back is getting progressively worse, and my doctor is not optimistic that anything can be done. I have failed all conventional therapy and my surgical options are grim. At this point I am just hoping that I can continue to work, since that is the one useful thing I am still able to do. I am in constant severe pain. A year ago I was training for triathlons. Now I am hobbling around the house with difficulty using a cane. After a disastrous attempt to make truffles with the girls again as a Fathers Day Treat, I realized that it is silly and futile for me to attempt to cook anything but the most basic and necessary dishes. As the time on my feet is extremely painful, I can’t take the time to take pictures on the days I do manage to cook something. I will leave this blog up because it is a handy reference for me to find my recipes. Sorry I won’t be able to post anything else.